What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix?

I learned that the issue I reported has been acknowledged by the city of Oakland.
Describe the response you got about the issue you reported. What was the message you received? Who sent you that message?

I received a comment from the city of Oakland call center, similar to the comments they have left on other issues here in Oakland. The only difference was the service request number.
Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using stickies and posters. What do each posters mean?

The 9th graders are tracking the progress of the issue by placing their sticky notes with the issue on one of three posters. The first one being “Open”, which means you reported your issue but it has not been acknowledged yet. The next one being “Acknowledged” meaning the city of Oakland has seen the issue you reported. Lastly the third one, “Closed”, meaning the issue has been said to be fixed.
Did you change the status of the issue you reported on a poster? Explain why, or why not.

I changed the status of the issue I reported from “Open” to “Acknowledged” because the city of Oakland call center has recognized the issue and registered it.
Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not? Explain your answer.

More illegal dumping issues are getting fixed than any of the other issues and one can only assume it’s because it’s the easiest to fix out of all the issues.
Do you think 9th grade students are gaining agency based on their efforts on this project? Explain your answer.

I think 9th graders are gaining agency from this project because they are able to feel like they can’t get hurt no more from tripping on a sidewalk, getting in a car accident due to a pothole, or inhaling chemicals or getting diseases from a big pile of trash on the street.